Anyone can have success.

All you need is the right mindset.

Daniel Lafleur

I completely turned my life around and so can you. The Mastering Your Life Book can become for you the foundational pivot on which you can experience the destiny you always dreamed of.

Daniel Lafleur, Mastering Your Life

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: The Mindset Blueprint

    Mindset is simply the term associated with our innermost beliefs and thoughts. Everything you do and everything you say is a byproduct of your beliefs. Your life is therefore the sum of your beliefs.

  • Chapter 2: Discovering The Power of the Subconscious Mind

    With our conscious mind we set our goals, however it is the responsibility of our subconscious mind to make those dreams come true.

  • Chapter 3: Seeing the World with New Eyes

    The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself. Your life won’t change until your mind does. You are a product of your decisions.

  • Chapter 4: Out with the Old and in with the New

    Your journey is much easier when you are not carrying around your past.

  • Chapter 5: When the Problem Isn't the Problem

    We reap what we sow. What we focus on grows. So when we focus on problems, we see and get more of them. When we focus on the positive and their solutions, we find them.

  • Chapter 6: Goals Create Wins. The Victory Blueprint

    Give yourself permission to dream again. Those who have clearly-defined goals and focus on what they want (and know why they want them) are more likely to succeed.

  • Chapter 7: Discovering the Power of your 'Why'

    Your ‘Why’ is the internal motivation needed to keep you moving towards your goals when the going gets tough. You must dig down deep and feel your ‘Why’

  • Chapter 8: The Action Blueprint. Just Do It

    Action coupled with direction and intention are the keys to success. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the next step.

Free 'Mastering Your Life' book

One thing that I have learned is that every time I invest in me, my life improves.

Meet The Author

Daniel Lafleur

Daniel is an author, mindset trainer and a well known entrepreneur in his hometown of Ottawa, Canada. Having launched several businesses and successfully growing and selling two of them, Daniel has always been interested in self-improvement ranging from leadership and business, to personal development. As a volunteer facilitator for a divorce recovery program, Daniel has always enjoyed teaching and giving back to the community. His intention is to contribute something worthwhile in an effort to make a difference in a time when many people need a positive change. 

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