Creating Victory In Everything You Do

Anyone can have success. All you need is the right mindset.

Life By Design

Finally a real solution designed specifically with you in mind. Learn how to break free and begin to enjoy life again. Regardless of our successes, we all have areas of our life we would like to improve upon. Now you can.

Anywhere, Anytime

Take your lessons with you on the go. Wether you are in the car or on a plane, there is always a way you can leverage your time to make a better life for yourself. We have taken the time to make it simple and easy for you.

Save Time & Money

You can get started now. No need to waste money booking travel to some far away destination to attend an event so you can cram everything into a few days. Take your time and absorb what you need knowing that you have the luxury of reviewing your material anytime.


The 'Mastering Your Life' book is a great place to get started. It provides you with an overview of mindset and gives you the practical steps I used to master my life.


The 'Mastering Your Life' courses are self-paced online programs designed to help you reach your own specific goals. Discover a program that’s right for you and get started today.

Meet the Author

Daniel Lafleur

Daniel is an author, mindset trainer and a well known entrepreneur in his hometown of Ottawa, Canada. Having launched several businesses and successfully growing and selling two of them, Daniel has always been interested in self-improvement ranging from leadership and business, to personal development. As a volunteer facilitator for a divorce recovery program, Daniel has always enjoyed teaching and giving back to the community. His intention is to contribute something worthwhile in an effort to make a difference in a time when many people need a positive change.